Cocréa was a safe container, and facilitated the practice of deep listening to my own body.
I loved being able to experience moving with different bodies. I saw my own relationship patterns reflected back to me in partner dance, in how I moved on the dance floor.
Embodying Change
We envision a world in which everyone has access to a living syllabus of empowering tools for embodied relating which honor the present truth of each being. Through practicing with this ever evolving toolbox of Cocréa, we achieve the intimate relationships we most desire in coherence and harmony with our loved ones, our communities, our planet and ourselves.
Join our Mailing List below and receive Three Keys to Improving All your Relationships through Partner Dance FREE!
Cocréa is Collaborative, Organic Communication, Revolutionizing Embodied Awareness.
Cocréa engages us in the practice of moving in intuitive, kinetic dialogue with one another to just about any style of music and serves as a means to take your dance to a new level of intimacy and authentic connection with others.
This Playshop (same as a workshop but more fun) is for people new and new-ish to partner dancing as well as people who have been dancing all their lives. This is for folks looking for a presence and consent based intro to partner dance, and those looking to add organic and fresh elements to their established technique and style. No partner is necessary.
Building on the foundational elements of social partner dance technique as our common language, we’ll learn how to wield creative expression with consideration to another body and practice nuanced responsiveness to one another in improvisational, co-created dance.
In this playshop we’ll explore:
• Core Stability & Balance
• Lead-Follow Dynamics within Conversational Play
• Adaptive Listening Techniques
• Frames of Connection to Provide Structure and Guidance
• Accessing Intuitive Movement
• Attunement Practices that Bring Regulation and Healing
• The Metaphor of Dance as Life, and Life as a Dance
Workshop Schedule
1:30pm-3:00pm dance
3:00pm-3:30pm break
3:30pm-5:00pm dance
5:00pm-6:30pm break
6:30pm-8:00pm dance
This practice is a gateway to accessing the body’s wisdom to deepening Self and Relational Intelligence. Our intention is to explore connection and play creatively from our heart, body and spirit, in full support and appreciation of ourselves and one another.
COCRÉA is an improvisational embodied movement practice for developing presence, opening gateways to creativity, empowering mindful leaders and followers and generating authentic connection in relationship.
Weaving the threads of permaculture, consciousness, embodiment and emergent leadership, the practice focuses on inviting, allowing, acclimating and relaxing into ever deepening levels of listening. Facilitators craft containers imbued with trust and permission enabling dancers to enter into flow state.
In this state, we see the possibility to enhance and elevate the realm of human relating into a deeply connected, honest and powerful tool for transformation and cultivation of a humanity in pristine coherence with our planet and all life.
“I want my LIFE to feel like that dance.”

Wren LaFeet
Co-Founder & Lead Facilitator
Wren has inspired the formation of multiple dance communities in North America, and continues to offer intentional partner dance spaces internationally as a practice for mindful, authentic living. His facilitation encourages individuals to create themselves as safer spaces for the embodiment of the full range of human expression. By cultivating “brave” spaces to encounter and touch places of shadow and light within, he explores the realm of consciousness as relationship, with sensation as the ground of that consciousness.
Promoting dance as a salve for our modern ailments of disconnection and alienation, his practice insists we trust our bodies with the music and our partner to catalyze elevating our whole being and planet into higher vibratory states.
- BA in Drama and Dance, University of Washington
- In 9th year of offering movement and embodiment facilitation professionally
- Certified Danyasa Inspired Yoga Instructor, lead by Sofiah Thom
- Awake At Work Mindfulness Facilitator Program Graduate and Collaborator, lead by Anakha Comen
- Do Good Things with Power Embodied Leadership Program Graduate, lead by Zahava Griss
- Author in the published work, “Reinhabiting the Village,”
- TEDx speaker, “Pioneering the New Renaissance through Movement, TEDxBend
- Pacific Performance Project (P3), Intensive Training Graduate with Robin Hunt, Steve Pearson and Peter Kyle
- Actors Theater of Louisville Apprentice Program, 2003-2004
- Featured Presenter: Abundant Leadership Retreats, Body Intelligence Summit with Gay and Katie Hendricks, Conscious Dancer Podcast, Beloved Festival (4 years)
Read Wren’s full bio and learn about Cocréa’s other facilitators and collaborators here.
I learned more about how to improve my dancing in 3 hours than in the last 10 years.
If you see these people doing a workshop in with in a 10 hours drive, you should make it, is not just a dance class, is a life training, that helps with all forms of connections and relationship.
All are welcome.
Wearing masks is absolutely welcome.
If you’re not feeling well, even a little, please don’t come! Please be in the mindset of care and do your best to be mindful of who you interact with leading up to this event.
This workshop is accessible to movers of all experience levels.
Cocréa believes in providing low income access to those in need. Please only choose one the lower priced or free options if paying the full price would constitute a financial burden. Thank you!