Next Training TBA




The Invitation


Are you holding a knowing that the human race could be struggling so much less, yet struggling yourself with how to offer the remedy in your heart and through your body?

Do you anticipate a great shift in human awareness from mental primacy and competition to embodiment and cooperation?

Are you longing to help people access the joy of moving together but feel unsure of your ability to lead groups effectively or that you lack the framework or information to confidently support other’s transformation?

Do you sense a great power within yourself to hold transformational containers want reliable, practical skills to draw people into them?


Join a growing global population of conscious, mindful movement facilitators and embodied leaders inspiring people to embrace the pleasure, intelligence and freedom resting in their bodies.


The Inquiry


How do we craft containers of such impeccable trust that participants feel safe and courageous to have their needed transformation to live their full brilliance?


Cocréa founder, Wren LaFeet has found his purpose and passion in synthesizing over 23 years of physical performance,  improvisational movement techniques and explorative study of authentic relationships.

Integrating practices from Taoism, Buddhism and the ecstatic love paths, Cocréa is a holistic embodiment practice for cultivating a full and vital life.

Bringing together aspects that resonate as Truth from various schools of thought that have come to similar conclusions, this journey ultimately invites the union of heart, mind, body and spirit.


The Goal


To empower and enable you to fully inhabit yourself and your genius;

to deliver your unique message as an empowered, embodied leader.

This is not strictly about mastering the dance techniques of Cocréa so you can teach partner dance.

It is about liberating the YOU that is burning to give its best and brightest in service to the Whole and equipping you with an epic toolbox to do your soul work.

You are ready for this program if you are:

  • Tired of playing small in the world.
  • In love with dance and want others to experience the joys and benefits of movement together.
  • Ready to make your important contribution to shifting human awareness to value and deeply consider the genius of the body.
  • Hearing your calling to become a movement facilitator and wanting to focus on connection, co-creation, consent and authentic communication.
  • Looking for ways to develop relational, somatic intelligence in your existing practice.
  • A community leader and/or facilitator desiring to generate more coherence within your community.
  • A social dance instructor eager to take your dancing and your teaching beyond technique, style and convention to embracing it as a holistic pathway of healing, relating and/or spiritual practice.
  • Embracing dance as medicine and stoked to become a leader in an embodied revolution.


The Content

This training is currently in a revisionary process. If you are interested, please feel free to send us a message, or fill out the application form, and someone will contact you.

Concepts covered in depth:

  • Ample practice and application of central partner dance connection techniques such as frame, tone, musicality, etc.
  • Physical theater to develop embodied awareness, strength, versatility and adaptable movement
  • Improvisational theater including storytelling to empower your unique style and presence
  • Vocal training to harness the power of your voice
  • Combining contemplative, mindful meditation and movement practices to embody the holistic intent of this practice
  • Developing your unique movement style and vernacular layered within American vernacular Jazz dance to value, promote and honor the beauty of a dance lineage
  • Analyzing the dynamic energies of leadership and followship, the cultural forces that have shaped these roles in social partner dance for centuries and why it’s time to deconstruct and reimagine them
  • How to play with and embody the spectrum of energies we are rather than reinforcing duality to create healing, inclusion and equity
  • Understanding consent and how practicing good consent within partner dance is a good practice for all relationships ever and how to share it effectively through the medium of dance facilitation

Tangible Tools and Benefits You’ll Receive:

  • A handbook of Cocréa practices and exercises
  • Personal coaching that will guide you into your unique brand as a facilitator
  • Marketing and community building resources to build, grow and sustain your own Cocréa community (covered in virtual group calls)
  • Ongoing access to leaders, innovators and practitioners in the growing field of embodiment and somatics
  • The possibility to become a Certified Cocréa Facilitator through Yearly Membership

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Yearly Membership in Cocréa’s Facilitator Coop

This training strives to fulfill the vision of an equitable world by providing what we hope feels like abundant support for new facilitators in creating your own financially successful practice.

Additionally, Cocréa desires to maintain a high degree of professionalism and integrity of the teaching while also staying true to its value of emergence. As such, we have developed the following requirements for becoming certified as a Cocréa Facilitator to join the Coop.

  • Demonstrate embodiment of the form through offering one of the Cocréa Core Team a private lesson. We are looking for an integrated understanding in the body of foundational partner dance concepts* such as:
    • Rhythm/groove
    • Frame
    • Tone
    • Momentum/Inertia
    • Musicality
  • Be observed by a Cocréa Facilitator in your facilitation of a group, either in person or virtually (may be a video recording).
  • Complete an Accountability Form for each required practice session during the training (form provided by Cocréa).
  • Shadow a Core Team member as an assistant for a retreat or weekend workshop.

*A full list of these concepts will be provided upon acceptance into the program.

By joining the facilitator team through yearly membership you’ll receive:

  • Access to a group of like-hearted, similarly minded leaders to innovate and co-create with for the rest of your life through annual convention style gatherings
  • Access to an ever evolving syllabus of co-curated practices that is permanently accessible to paying members
  • Use of Cocréa’s logo and branding to promote your own workshops and events
  • Your picture and bio on Cocréa’s website
  • Your workshop events featured in the Cocréa newsletter and on the website
  • Opportunities to co-facilitate extended international and domestic retreats with members of the Core Team after 1-Year of holding workshops and an evaluation session following personal experience of your work
  • Automatic pre-qualification for Cocréa Level 2 Facilitator Training.

Are you ready to become an embodied revolutionary?

Fill out the application form below and we will contact you to schedule a discovery session.