Dance Your Medicine Retreat
•COSTA RICA • 2020•
February 27th – March 3rd, 2020
at Danyasa Eco-Retreat
Playa Dominical, Puntarenas
A limited number of Scholarship Tickets are available.
Apply Here!
Special prices for Ticos also available. Contact us here for more information!
Liberate yourself within the limitless realm of Cocréa.
Do you long for more connection and expression with your body?
Do you value closeness and intimacy with others and desire more skills to create that in your life?
Are community, nature and new experiences in new places things that bring you enrichment and vitality?
Are you passionate about eating well, feeling good and sharing what brings you into your full, vibrant health with others?
DANCE YOUR MEDICINE is all about reaching our peak vitality through practicing intentional movement and community, imbibing pristine nature and food, embracing our sensuality and learning how to harness it for creating good in the world.
EMBODIMENT is the practice we invite you to cultivate; of your purpose, of your truth, of the unique medicine you bring and how to find that through moving your body with others.
SHIFT YOUR PARADIGM into a full love embrace of what turns you on and lights you up. Discover how living in acceptance and curiosity of your body and preferences, and how honoring that in others gives way to a radiant, thriving life.
JOIN THE MOVEMENT of conscious dance infusing the world with mindful connection and the pleasure of being alive. Adventure with Cocréa’s brilliant team of facilitators as they masterfully weave the themes of consent, emotional intelligence, radical self expression and holistic living through the mediums of movement, breath, music and touch.
••C O N N E C T • CO-C R E A T E • E M B O D Y••

Retreat Features
Fusion Partner Dance Classes
Solo Movement Classes
Dance Parties with Stellar DJs
Meditation • Yoga • Thai Massage
Epic Jungle Waterfall Trip • Beach Hangouts
Outdoor Pool Lounge
All Organic, Vegitarian Meals
Caocao • Tea • Love • And MORE!
Click Here for more details and images of the luxurious Danyasa Eco-Retreat accommodations!

The Studio Space
Release and let go into the full embrace of Danyasa.
Curated and cultivated over the last 10 years by loving hands, this bamboo enshrined dance floor is an incubator for sacred movement and a powerful container that can hold you in all the versions you want to share.
Come as you are. Leave as you want to be.
Inspiration on Tap
In addition to the stellar content provided by the Cocréa team, you’ll have opportunities during the week to learn from Danyasa founder, Sofiah Thom, and other Danyasa teachers.
Soak in the beauty of this living work of art and its curators.

Facilitation Team
A dancer in the Fusion social partner dance movement since it began, Wren’s eclectic style has largely informed fusion as an emergent dance form free of any fixed aesthetic. Fueled by his curiosity in spirituality, the body, global community, the natural world and relationships, and guided by his devotion to love and the idea of the Beloved, partner dance has served as the vehicle for his inquiry and understanding. He has inspired the formation of multiple fusion dance communities on the west coast of North America, and teaches partner dance internationally as a practice for mindful, authentic living through his signature modality, Cocréa. His facilitation encourages individuals to create themselves as safer spaces for the embodiment of the full range of human expression. Promoting dance as medicine, spirituality and salve for our modern ailments of disconnection and alienation, his practice insists we trust our bodies with the music and our partner to catalyze elevating our whole being into higher vibrational states.
Working with the holographic overview of humanity provided by the Gene Keys and combining its contemplative practice with his own somatic exploration and intuitive listening through the body, as well as his study of human conflict through theater, Wren empowers individuals and communities to dance with joy, helps free insights locked in the body, coaches people to more easily access their sensuality and even on privileged occasion supports the healing of chronic disease. Wren’s deepest desire is to guide people into right relationship with the moment; to listen and respond appropriately to what is being called for in service to the highest possible good. He holds a BA in Drama and Dance from the University of Washington, is an author in the published work, “Reinhabiting the Village,” a TEDx speaker and your muse for all things somatic.

Facilitation Team
Usha Rose is a Somatic Sex, Intimacy, andRelationship Coach, Workshop Facilitator, Dance and Yoga Teacher, and Licensed Massage Therapist. She is trained in the Somatica™ Method of Sex and Relationship Coaching and is a graduate of the International School of Temple Arts Practitioner Training. She also spent three years studying closely with Sonika Tinker and Christian Pederson in the LoveWorks Relationship Training Mastery Program, including two years in the Assistant and Leadership Program.
She is the co-founder of Foothills Fusion Dance, a weekly, social dance in Grass Valley, CA and co-founder of Convergence, an annual Ecstatic and Fusion dance mini-festival in Northern California. She is also the Production Manager and Facilitator for Cocréa, a mindful partner dance company that produces transformational dance retreats and workshops around the globe.
Usha discovered the conscious dance community in 2010 when she started attending Ecstatic Dance Oakland. Since then she has studied SoulMotion™ with Vinn Marti and Zuza Engler, completed the JourneyDance™ Teacher Training with Toni Bergins and continues to be inspired by the many teachings of Contact Improv and 5Rhythms™.
She took her first partner dance class (Salsa) in 2005, although she was first introduced to partner dancing as a young child in her living room with her grandmother who was an avid Lindy Hop dancer. It was around 2010 when Usha discovered Blues dancing, and soon thereafter fell in love with Fusion dancing. She has studied several other partner dance forms including Salsa, Tango, Swing and Zouk, to name a few. In addition to teaching locally, she has taught dance at several events around the country including Enchanted Forest Gathering, Jumpsuit Family Gathering and Northern California Dance Camp.

Facilitation Team
Chrissy can’t remember when it began, but dance came as naturally as breathing to her body. From a young age she studied dance primarily in the form of solo movement for performance and competition. Her first dance company saw her through many early professional opportunities, and her love of choreography took her to organize Pulse Dance Project, NYU’s first student-produced dance performance group. Eventually, she found that in many ways, her professional training was limiting her growth by under-valuing the uniqueness of all bodies. This awakening led her to the yoga studio. Her first and most honest class startled her with its resonance, springing her awakened life forward into opening after opening.
She trained in the summer of 2009 with Yoga to The People, dove right into teaching 10+ classes a week and gaining the YTTP studios in Berkeley and San Francisco a foothold. Until 2013, she was a prominent teacher for YTTP, when she moved out to the Northern California foothills. At the first night of Foothills Fusion Dance in 2015, Chrissy committed to a new dance form. Partner dance intimidated, allured and in time deeply transformed Chrissy’s being. No other practice has contributed so much to her unfolding as mindful partner dance. Now, her offerings are weaving through the overlapping layers of yoga and dance, inspiring each of her teachings with the other.

Facilitation Team
Joe has been a professional dance performer and teacher for nearly two decades. In his studies and world travels he has developed a unique style with influences including hip hop, breaking, contact improvisation, and fusion partner dance. Joe fuses these forms together in a dynamic and distinctive style. His love and passion for dance has enabled him to perform at major events for Sony, Pixar, Oracle, and more. He has presented several workshops at universities including University of San Francisco, Stanford, and Sonoma State University.
Joe has began cultivating a new aesthetic for partner dancing called Hip Hop Fusion and has led workshops at Symbiosis Global Eclipse Gathering 2017 and Sonic Bloom 2018, and will be presenting at Lucidity Festival 2019.
He is excited to collaborate with like minded artists and to help the community embrace the power of performing arts.
Joe believes that dance is in our DNA. At the core of our being, everyone is a dancer. We are dance, and dance is life.

Danyasa offers beautiful on site accommodations in sweet, comfy rooms.
For your comfort and convenience we have the following available:
• Single Beds: shared occupancy rooms (rooms sleep 3)
10 Available in Tier 1 – Ends Sept 1st
• Private Queen Bed rooms for a single individual or couple
4 Available in Tier 1 – Ends Sept. 1st

Private Queen Room

Private Queen Room

Private Queen Room

Shared Triple Room

Shared Triple Room

Shared Triple Room

Shared Triple Room
Why Partner Dance?
Dancing in intentional connection with others offers a wealth of benefits. It has been shown time and again how necessary it is for us humans to engage in healthy, physical contact with one another. We hold this truth at our core and endeavor to offer spaces for this need to be met in a good way. Building upon this foundational aspect of our humanity, Cocréa opens doorways to finding versatility and ease as we move through life.
Improve Communication
- Improve awareness and sensitivity to emotional and physiological states of other people.
- Practice listening to verbal and nonverbal cues.
- Calm the mind to increase presence and attentiveness to another person’s sharing.
- Increase emotional intelligence.
Embody Consent
- Practice asking for and giving your full embodied No and enthusiastic Yes.
- Honoring and respecting boundaries.
- Interpreting and understanding body language.
Build Confidence
- Practice taking risks and trying new things in a supportive environment.
Become more comfortable with spontaneously expressing yourself through movement.
Enjoy the experience of feeling grounded in a powerful, fluid body and calm, curious mind.
Practice Community
- Add variety and fun to your week through playful interaction with likeminded people.
- Gain skills you can teach to existing dance partners.
- Experience a sense of belonging within the larger Cocréa and Fusion communities.
- Connect online with national and international Cocréa community.
- Have fun and laugh with new friends.
Expand Creativity
- Open new neural pathways of self-expression through exploration of dance form and a diversity of music.
- Strengthen and integrate all the parts of your body to support that expression.
- Release self-limiting beliefs that hold you back from being fully expressed.
- Develop trust in the phenomenon of emergence and learn to be guided by the moment.
Enhance Somatic Awareness
- Discover movement of your body as a living wisdom within you.
- Develop stronger body awareness for more graceful movement.
- Master spatial awareness for greater ease of movement in daily life.
- Find flow as you move through your world.
Ready to Shift Your Paradigm?