The Dance of Alchemical Intimacy

“We’re all just dancing each other home…”

In this Tantric Dance Immersion,

November 11th-19th,

nestled in the volcanic heart of Hawai’i:

We gather to learn, practice, and DANCE in the realm of Awakening through Intimacy.

With ourselves. With others. And with the Current of Life.

This co-ed, experiential container

is designed to be a safer space to explore our body’s desires, our heart’s longings, and our soul’s creative fire.

One Breath, one Conversation, one Dance at a time.

In COMMUNION we are Unraveling

the programming that has limited our personal and collective capacity for intimate collaboration. Together we are relaxing gently into a new frequency of sovereign interdependence for ourselves and all our relations.

Every day in Communion we are listening deeper, dreaming more courageously, and embodying our truth more honestly and compassionately.
Every day in Communion we discover a more authentic relationship with our own YES and NO in the dialectical dance of Desire, Consent, and Boundaries.
Every day in Communion we grow our capacity for grace and ecstasy.
Will you come heal and play with us in Paradise on Earth?

We are untethering our bodies and imaginations from the trauma based patterning of past pain. We’re dancing a new dream of togetherness, starting right here, right now:

Happily single?

Longing for dynamic connection with multiple others?

Deep into a committed partnership?

Open? Poly? Monogamous?

There is space for you in COMMUNION to dance a fresh and even more exquisite dance of Alchemical Intimacy.

Come play!

COMMUNION is a portal to Synergy in every jeweled facet of Life

Come to receive. Come to give. Come to share in the medicine of open hearted connection.

TANTRA: Weaving Polarities in Synergy.

~I AM and We ARE~Inner and Outer~Inhale and Exhale~Sovereign and Unified~Stillness and Movement~Listening and Expressing~Receiving and Giving~Leading and Following~Hard and Soft~Pain and Pleasure~YES and NO~

Through individual, dyad, and group practices we will refine our capacity to embody the polarities and balance the opposites.

We attune to our inner truth, moment to moment, and learn to express that through our presence, posture, movement, and words.

The Eternal Dance of Alchemical Intimacy

We practice dancing our inner parts into coherence: Body, Heart, Emotion, Breath, and Mind in exquisite communication and reverence for each other’s unique wisdom.

We practice the dance of intimate collaboration with another: the blending of structure and flow, initiative and surrender, as we discover what wants to be born in this moment of Communion.

In this way we transmute the limiting patterns of our past into fresh and expansive new mandalas of possibility: for play! for romance! for juicy connection!

 When we Trust ourselves and each other THIS MUCH, what else is possible?

Gene Key 45: From the Shadow of Domination to the Exquisiteness of Communion, walking the Path of Synergy

To awaken true Communion with Life, we must first acknowledge, accept, and embrace the Shadow of Domination and unleash the Gift of Synergy.

Domination: We must be willing to sensitize ourselves to the places this shadow has impacted our development, and bring awareness to the ways it shows up in our lives today. Mind over our body. Parents over children. Groups of people over others. The domination of resources by the few. The domination of our ecosystem by a species driven to cancerous expansion. If we don’t stop and look, how will we ever see the pattern?

Synergy: When we shift our perspective and recognize that collaboration is a much more elegant and fun strategy than competition, then we begin to embrace the Gift of Synergy. As each of us cultivates greater synergy between our bodies, hearts, and minds then we bring even more exquisite and unique presence to the collaboration. When we individually entrust ourselves and our gifts to a more inclusive and energy-rich collective co-creation, the electricity of Synergy begins to pulse. Emergent co-creative brilliance is inevitable under these conditions–and rather blissful!

Communion: Surrender. The Many become One. The sense of separation dissolves. The apparent conflict between I AM and We ARE finally unravels. A deep sense of identification and belonging pervade every individual node of the awakening Mandala of Communion. Self, Other, Divine, Mundane, Masculine, Feminine, Planet, Cosmos all relax into deeply coherent, frictionless synthesis that ennobles the Whole and nourishes the parts.

COMMUNION might be your dreams coming true if:

You sense the possibility of deeper connection and authentic intimacy in your relationships

Regardless of relationship status or history, you’re devoted to being the most exquisite dance partner you can be

You’re generally romantically satisfied AND you know that there is greater depths in your communication, EQ and sexual intimacy that is possible!

You have had enough isolation the last few years and are hungry to fill up your battery with yummy co-regulation, cuddles, dance, and music!

You have been dancing for a while and see that there is a whole world of Partner Dance to expand your practice into.

You want to discover who you could become if you stopped holding yourself back from intimacy and creative vulnberability

You recognize that the Lead/Follow dynamics in your most intimate relationship(s) need some loving attention and cultivation.

You understand at a cellular level that the Destiny of Humanity depends upon us learning how to Commune more deeply with each other and the forces of Life that transcend and include us, so that together we can co-create Heaven on Earth!

Ok, but what will we actually be DOING?

  • Transmissions and Experiments in the realms of Sovereignty, Collaboration, Synthesis of Feminine & Masculine Beyond Gender, Emotional Intelligence, Conscious Communication, Tantric Reconciliation, and Sexual Intimacy
  • Learning & Practicing the art and science Partner Dancing for greater exploration as Sovereign Collaborators in Intimacy
  • Sensual Rituals of Self & Partner Adoration
  • High Magick Ceremonies with Divine Self, Ascended Master Mentors & Source Love
  • Breathwork, Sensual Movement, Energetic Cleansing
  • Prayer & Invocations
  • Mens, Womens & Non-binary Circles
  • Nature Integration with natural warm ponds & beach time
  • Witnessing & Reconciliation Ceremonies
  • Ancestral & Inner Child Healing
  • Sisterhood, Brotherhood & Humanhood healing & celebration
  • Delicious, vibrant, locally sourced food
  • Spa time – Sauna, hot tub, cold plunge, pool
  • Returning to our Erotic Innocence
  • Journalling & Envisioning our New Earth Relationships & Collaborations
  • More dancing, play and snuggles!
  • Unplanned, Emergent Miracles that arise through the unique Alchemy that is Us together!


FOR REAL THO: This Journey is Designed for the More Practiced and Emotionally Mature Voyager

This will be a container with deep energetic activations; triggers and emotions will come up. We are trauma-informed facilitators and listen to the pace of the vulnerable nervous system of individuals and the group. And, this is an experience geared toward the more Advanced Spiritual & Somatic practitioner. We will be harmonizing the field with gentleness, integration, listening & attunement. We will always honor your need to pause and slow down. We are learning and growing together.

If you are committed to holding on to, hiding, or projecting pain, blame and shame, if you are currently soothing an activated & dysregulated nervous system (we love you and support you getting the gentle care you need to first create safety and ground before trying to expand your window of tolerance again), or you are really new to the path of somatic healing work and don’t feel safe in the presence of strong emotions, this is unlikely to be a favorable environment for you.

We all rely on each other to hold the intensity that arises in the healing process. Because the whole group can be significantly impacted by one person who is unable to steward their own triggers with care, we ask for you to be 100% responsible for what arises in our Communion and stay with the process, together. This is where we can truly complete the cycles of trauma and create a new Equilibrium within our Bodies and Relationships.

Together, we will be a real life practice ground for expanding our capacity for staying Present in the challenges and returning to LOVE again and again. This is the kind of Alchemical Intimacy that transmutes our pain into expansive Grace, Compassion, and Impeccable Love.

Start your preparation for Alchemical Intimacy NOW with this 95min SHI(F)T Happens Video Training and 22 page workbook. All of the essential Exquisite Communication basics are transmitted in this simple process…

Cultivate more skill and awareness of authentic, compassionate communication by applying this step-by-step process to an existing conflict in a relationship that matters to you!

Conflict can strengthen any relationship and be a potent catalyst for personal growth when met with breath, curiosity, and honesty.

Onboard these simple, LIFE CHANGING communication competencies TODAY for only $88.


November 11th-18th, at Sundari Gardens on Big Island, Hawai’i

What if we could learn to share the renewable resources of touch, presence, pleasure and intimacy?

What if in this most generous sharing we were to find true Prosperity?

How do we catalyze the synergistic power within a relational network in which we are fed and nourished by varying degrees of intimacy with many different people?

How do we get our intimacy needs met through opening up to a way of doing life and community that values holistic well-being and challenges the hierarchies that keep us in competition and dominance?

All while honoring ourselves and our most intimate relationships deeply…

For 8 luscious days and 7 restful nights, join us on a multidimensional voyage of the heart down the Red Road of Puna, and the Golden Path of the Gene Keys as we explore the frequency band of Dominance to Communion. Uniting through the gift of Synergy, Cocréa Mindful Partner Dance and Alchemical Intimacy offer a retreat experience ripe with transformational potential. 

Hidden within our DNA are the very keys we seek to create the world of our dreams. Our destination on this journey – whether we achieve it or not – is the embodiment of higher states of consciousness so we can live fully and grounded in our physical reality – here and now – without any need to ascend; grasping the gold of transmuting our shadows as a community. 

Using movement, breath, contemplation, compassionate inquiry and dialogue, exquisite food, presence, touch, tantric ritual and the healing power of nature, we shall cultivate what this New Earth we’ve been dreaming alive feels like, together.

Reserve Your Place


A note on Diversity

BBIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ identified folks are welcome and celebrated in the COMMUNION Community. While we (Lillian, Joshua and Wren) are three white folks who speak from a mostly hertrosexual lens, we hold a high value for inclusivity, diversity and are always learning and open to your feedback to make it a safer place for all.

Your voice matters!

Please let us know how we might open the space more for you and create more access.